Jillian Michaels, who has gone from ‘having vaxxed the shit out of my children’ to exposing the lack of testing of the Hep B shot to Piers Morgan:
[RFK, Jr. insists on using the] gold standard research when it comes to vaccines and drugs, but particularly vaccines, because the research on those is not up to par. And I’m going to give you a perfect example. He wants randomized human randomized control trials. So if you look at hepatitis B, which is one of the most controversial vaccines for kids, because it’s specifically for people who have risky sex and use needles, and you can test the mother to find out if she’s negative before you vaccinate the newborn. So why does a child even need this?
Well, ironically, after the drug companies were given blanket immunity in 1986 they added 48 more doses of vaccinations to the schedule. But let’s look at hep B. What are the clinical trials that it goes through? I think your mind is going to be blown, and I encourage everybody to look this up. It’s on the FDA website. They tested 147 kids in three trials, and they monitor them for five days. Does that seem
up to par? I don’t think so. And then the second thing, and by the way, I can give you a million other examples, just like this one.
And the third thing is, he was tasked with dramatically improving the health of Americans. And in case everybody’s missed it, we’re on healthier than ever. 74% of adults are overweight or obese. We heard the diatribe all run through it one more time. We’re more infertile than ever. Infertility rates are going up 1% every year. Autism, one in 34 kids. It was like one in 10,000 when I was a child. I mean, we could go on and on and on. Does rock bottom have a basement? I don’t think so. There’s a loophole in the FDA that lets 10,000 chemicals into our food, 9000 of which are banned in every other country of the developing world. I mean, my God, really, I think what you’re seeing here is the absolute panic of big food, big farming, Big Pharma and big insurance, and for good reason, because it’s absolutely corrupt. And I, for one, am so excited about this and I will do everything to help get this guy confirmed.
My wife and I have been talking about this to our families and friends for many years (prior to the plandemic/COVID BS). No one heard us. Several got ill. We have been called all sorts of names from anti-vaxers, to anti-science. My response now to all my friends and family who still fail to heed the warnings – take all of them, all the time, everyday, give them to your kids – you people evidently don’t care. Don’t whine to me. You get what you ask for…. Good luck.