Dr. Drew’s Awakening About the Corporate Media

How many of us have had comparable stories?  Enough happened over the past few years, we heard so much from the corporate Media that was so highly coordinated yet it didn’t add up and the media was stunningly incurious? Even about elephants in the room?

Dr. Drew (David Drew Pinsky):

I am open to everything now. I’m open to things that I never thought I would have been open to. I really think that the door fully came open. And I’ve realized that everything in the in the news is BS. Everything. There is nothing that I can consume on any legacy media that I can trust. And that is shocking. And that’s disturbing. And it makes you wonder how long it’s been going on for and I’m concerned, it might have been a very long time.

Dave Rubin:

What are the straws that broke the camel’s back on that?

Dr. Drew:

My interview with RFK, Jr. He was so reasonable and so smart, and he had so many interesting ideas and enlightened me to this cozy relationship between the regulators and the pharma companies, which I really wasn’t aware of. I mean, I can’t let a pharma company representative into my office to give me a pen with a drug name on it, and yet those guys are living together and cross-pollinating. I mean, that’s mind boggling to me. [RFK, Jr.] had a very sensible … didn’t necessarily fully agree with it, but a sensible idea about vaccine research that he would like to put forward. Not that vaccines are bad. His family’s all vaccinated, my family’s all vaccinated. And at the end of that interview, he said to me . . . “Oh, my God, Drew, you are so courageous to talk to me.” It blew me back in my chair. I thought, I need courage to have a conversation with an adult in a public setting?

And he was right. This is a time where I didn’t realize how much speech was being suppressed. How much was being manipulated, how much. Then what happened after that was the Twitter files and I started seeing what’s going on. And it’s just, it’s just been to me, this is all reprehensible. And what has happened as a result, I don’t think I’ve shifted my political views. I’ve just really, I never imagined I’d be in this point in my life at this age and place in my career. Freedom fighting and the courage to stand up for it have been the most important things in my life right now. And that’s crazy. That is crazy. I live in the United States of America and I have to worry about freedoms. I’m gonna fight for freedom. That is an insanity and I’m hoping it’s something that will pass soon.

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Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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