Bernie Sanders 2.0 Attacks Cornel West and Bernie Sanders 1.0

Sabina Salvati (“Sabby Sabs Podcast”), speaking with Glenn Greenwald on System Update:

I think that what Bernie Sanders is doing to Cornel West is absolutely pathetic. I want people to understand what this is really about. Bernie Sanders is a tool of the Democratic Party. What they have done is they have taken someone who appeared to be outside the duopoly – because he’s a registered independent – and they have used Bernie Sanders to basically usher people into the Democratic Party, pretending to be an outsider, pretending to be anti-establishment and rallying up a base of young people and working-class people and getting those people energized about a political revolution that Bernie Sanders knew was never going to happen through the Democratic Party. I want to be very clear about that. And then in turn, what Bernie Sanders is to do when they do not allow him to win and they won’t allow him to win even in the future, is to take those supporters, that base, and to tell them to vote for the corporate establishment that he told them to fight back against.

Now you see Bernie Sanders attacking Cornel West. Cornel West has the guts to do what Bernie Sanders did not have the guts to do. Bernie Sanders says that this is to protect democracy but Bernie Sanders knows, even when it comes to his own presidential campaigns, there really wasn’t a real democracy, at least one would not look through the Democratic Party because of the superdelegates. Bernie Sanders, to this day, doesn’t really mention the DNC fraud lawsuit. He doesn’t talk about the fact that DNC attorney Bruce Spiva argued that the DNC is a corporation. The judge ruled in that case that the DNC can select a candidate and does not owe you a fair election but Bernie Sanders doesn’t mention this. Bernie Sanders is doing a press tour telling everybody how we have to protect democracy. So, you should not support Cornel West and you should support Joe Biden. Once again, he’s telling you to support the corporate candidates that he told you to push back against and to fight against. So, what people have to understand is that Bernie Sanders is a tool of the Democratic Party to make you think that you are going to get progress, but to water it down and to prevent you from having any strong outside grassroots movement that is going to change the system.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of Stan Hoppe
    Stan Hoppe

    But unlike Sabrina, Bernie never was a revolutionary Marxist, he always has been a Scandinavian-type liberal democrat more in the tradition of classical European social democrats. He believes in evolutionary transition, i.e. “progressive” capitalism with a human face. Bernie is a realist, he sees Cornel West for what he is — a spoiler for Trump. So, her criticism is misplaced.
    The best bid for Democrats is Michelle Obama.

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