Anthrax and COVID

Glenn Greenwald and Saagar Enjeti independently took deep dives to investigate the bizarre and, in fact, highly suspicious, behavior of the U.S. regarding the 2001 anthrax attacks. They discussed their conclusions together on Rumble:

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Here’s an excerpt of the transcript from their interview:

G. Greenwald: We’ve been planning the anthrax program we did last night to kind of walk through and remind people of exactly what that attack was, why it was so significant, but also the multiple mysteries embedded within it. And out of the blue, not without knowing I was working on it. You came to me and said, I’ve currently fallen into this anthrax rabbit hole. And as a result, I’ve run into a lot of the stuff that you’re writing about because I wrote about it almost nonstop for two years in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Tell me what it was that kind of attracted your interest to it? Like what has made you so fascinated by this topic?

Saagar Enjeti: Glenn, for me, it was a lab leak. I mean, at the very beginning, you know, of course, we’ve done our best to try and dig as deep into lab leak as possible. So, at the very beginning, we started with the Wuhan lab. So obviously we have the Wuhan lab, I think at this point is basically, I mean, I don’t really know anybody who doesn’t believe that it came out of there. If we can rehash that evidence at a later time, I’ll […]

G. Greenwald: I’ll tell you some people if you want to find out. But anybody rational does not believe that any longer.

Saagar Enjeti: Yes, there is. There is a tremendous amount, an overwhelming amount of evidence to say that Covid leaked from the Wuhan lab. Then you peel back one layer that’s almost boring now at this point. And we look at the U.S. funding. We have Dr. Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance. All of that is now well-established. I wanted to keep going back even more layers. So, then we go to the overall arc of gain-of-function research. Then, I decided to go even higher than gain-of-function research to say, where the hell did this vast amount of money being pumped through the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, even come from? That leads me to the 2007 Review of the Government Accountability Office about specifically the bioterrorism initiatives that were sparked by the anthrax attacks of 2001. And what I realized, Glenn, is that the 2001 anthrax attacks opened the door and changed completely the way that we handled dangers not just here in the United States, but all across the world. And our dirty fingers are all over gain of function, research opportunities all over funding people who are going into caves, which no human being ever would be in in the first place, getting covered in bat poop and then getting bitten, going back into a lab and being like, “Hey, we found this one thing and tried to develop a vaccine for it just in case that somebody ever does go into that.” And instead, we now have actually vast and ample amounts of evidence. Not only did COVID leak from the Wuhan lab but actually it looks like Ebola. There is a very good case to say that the Ebola outbreak in the mid-2010s also came from the lab.

Then you go back even further. And so really what I became interested in is your reporting specifically around the anthrax attacks, because the more I realized that it all started with anthrax and the fact was that everyone was ignoring me on it, I was like, oh, well, they solved that one, right? No, actually, not at all. The FBI accused the wrong man, the person that they pinned it on. They just blamed it on him with no due process at this point. I think you have to be an idiot to think that Bruce Ivins was the person responsible for the anthrax. I mean, many of the people who were even involved in the investigation would tell you that. And so actually, I was saying I can’t believe Glenn has been so right for so long.

When he mentioned his own anthrax episode, Glenn was referring to the previous night’s show, where he connected bizarre and incriminating behavior by the U.S. in the 2001 anthrax attacks to what appears to be dangerous biological weapon experimentation by the U.S. ever since, leading up to what appears to be the U.S. misconduct related to the release of COVID in Wuhan. It is a long, detailed, gripping and convincing episode.

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An excerpt from the full show on anthrax (aired May 22, 2023):

We know that the FBI itself claims – what is almost certainly true because it was the Ames strain, which is that this anthrax attack and the anthrax that was used did in fact come from the United States government itself, not from Iraq, not from Iran, not from Russia, not from al-Qaida – from the United States. It was an inside job by definition. The United States was attacked by weaponized biological weapons stored at a U.S. Army facility and then blamed on the country the U.S. government wanted to attack. That is all factually indisputable.

And we also know that the FBI took seven years to find what they said was the real killer. Their evidence never got subjected to judicial scrutiny by virtue of the great stroke of luck that the accused had happened to kill himself shortly before they were about to arrest him. This is not the first time that that’s happened. And when outside experts finally got a peek at some of the FBI scientific evidence, I could spend an entire week detailing the holes in their circumstantial claims. And I’ve done that in article after article. But when outside, investigators finally got to look at their scientific evidence. They said in the clearest terms possible: this is nowhere near as convincing as what the FBI claimed. There are huge analytical holes in the FBI’s explanation for why this constitutes dispositive scientific proof that it claims came from this flask, that even if it had come from this flask in Dr. Ivins lab, there were over 100 people who had access to that flask. And I’ll leave it to you to decide whether it’s plausible that the FBI really did rigorously and conclusively eliminate to some great process of elimination some great traditional police work. Every last one of those, more than 100 people who had access to that flask and could’ve sent the anthrax attacks, which is central to the FBI’s attempts to blame this person who’s now dead.

So, whatever else is true here, there’s a serious crime, a series of serious crimes, committed by the highest level political and media institution, in the United States – One that very likely led to the invasion of Iraq, something that top leaders in both parties wanted for years before 9/11. And we also know that the U.S. government does indeed do exactly the kind of bioweapons research, manipulating natural substances to make them more fatal, to make them more dangerous – not just in China, funded by Dr. Fauci, but in the U.S. labs controlled by the U.S. Army. Many of the leading scientific elite teams in the United States government, including the FBI and the Department of Energy, now say after Dr. Fauci made it taboo to say for almost 18 months – to the point that you got censured from the Internet if you said it – that the most likely way that COVID originated, not one way that it possibly may have, but the most likely way, is from research on coronaviruses of this kind carried out in the Wuhan lab, funded by Peter Daszak of the Eco Health Alliance, funded by Dr. Fauci. So, this is not just a gigantic historical crime that has been not even close to being solved. And you notice how these media outlets who all said that the evidence was extremely weak, all forgot about it, just never talked about it again. Just said, I guess we’re not going to ever know the truth about that. But we also know it shed significant light on what arguably after the 2008 financial collapse and the War on Terror spawned by 9/11 and the anthrax attacks, the other most significant event in our lifetime, which is the COVID pandemic and the lockdowns that it fostered and the damage it did to hundreds of millions of children and adults all over the world enduring economic damage, damage to public health, damage to the mental health of people. And whether that actually came from this racist theory that the Chinese are so primitive and filthy in their wet markets and it just naturally evolved from there, or whether in fact it came from the kind of highly sophisticated research that we know the U.S. government has been doing on biological agents.

So, one of the reasons I’m so skeptical when I hear anonymous claims or even anonymous claims from these magazines that employ all these career liars from these government institutions is because I spent so long on this anthrax case and the number of lies, the way they piled up one after the next, the deliberateness of them, and the brazenness with which they were told on television and in newspapers by the government, only to have those same people get further empowered because lying of that kind is not just tolerated, but demanded, it’s rewarded. If you look at that, it can only make you irrevocably skeptical and even cynical about how radically corrupted and really kind of evil our leading establishment institutions are. I think very few things illustrate that like this anthrax attack and that’s the reason we’ve all been encouraged strongly to forget about it and the reason why we decided to devote our show to it tonight.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Avatar of broono

    And Lyme disease probably too…
    The Chinese press is all over it, supposedly to cover up and deflect from their own SARS2 flop. In 2021 they interviewed American journalist, peacenik, and environmental activist Karl Grossman, who did some investigation into the (now closed) Plum Island bio-lab.

    These lab leaks happened several times in the past in both the Soviet Union and the US. Both covered it up, of course. But the US, being (supposedly) a democracy, deserves more scrutiny from its people with these coverups.

    1. Avatar of Erich Vieth
      Erich Vieth

      Thank you for mentioning that. It wasn’t in my excerpt but in that same interview, Saagar Enjeti stated that it was also his belief that the U.S. government is responsible for creating Lyme disease.

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