After Seymour Hersh Revealed Joe Biden’s Lawless Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline, Congress has been Silent. Dennis Kucinich has Spoken Up.

Ever since Seymour Hersh revealed that Joe Biden instructed U.S. military to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline, no sitting member of Congress has spoken up, protested, or called for a hearing. All members of Congress have thus ratified Joe Biden’s dangerous lawlessness.

At the recent Rage Against the War Machine Rally, former member of Congress, Dennis Kucinich, was not silent:

In blowing up the Nordstrom pipeline, this government has deliberately circumvented Article One of the U.S. Constitution: the authority of Congress to make war. It has violated international criminal law by conspiring to commit acts of sabotage and violence on the high seas. It has used illegal and unconstitutional means to destroy the energy resources needed to protect millions of people in Europe during the winter and then to profit from its illegal actions by selling energy to Europe at a four to six times markup. It has done so blatantly and cynically, simultaneously taking credit for the destruction of the Nordstrom Pipeline and then denying any role in it.

I speak directly to those responsible thanks to a courageous journalist, Seymour Hersh. We know what each of you did at the Nord Stream pipeline, Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of State, Mr. National Security advisor and Madam Under-Secretary of State, and we will not rest until you are held accountable by Congress, by the international criminal court and by the American people at the next election for your reprehensible conduct, which has debased our Constitution, undermined the rule of law in our name, committed an act of War which threatens the Peace of the world and the stability of our own Nation. No amount of balloon militarism will distract us from your profoundly lawless and reckless conduct.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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