When Someone Asks for Your Pronouns


On Twitter, Melinda Richards asked: “If someone asks me for my pronouns…what’s my best response?”

Here are some of the suggestions she received:

  • “Go with your gut.” (Colin Wright)
  • “I’m not normalizing this ideology by giving you my pronouns” (Eyes Wide Open)
  • ‘Why do you want to know?’ (Geoffrey Miller)
  • “Your Majesty, of course.” (Pierre Chenekoala)
  • “The normal ones.” (Gyno Chad)
  • “I no speaka de wokie.” (Lou Rider)
  • “I identify as a donkey. My pronouns are hee/haw.” (Ryan Rally)
  • “Traditional” (MostlyInitTogether)
  • “I don’t recognize your religion.” (Lorraine Braddock)
  • “You’re a bright kid. You work it out.” (Dick Nalton)
  • “Just say ‘Treat me as a normal person and use the ones you have used 2 years ago.’” (Oliver Reed)

One more …

“Point is, ‘pronouns’ are not used to “address” people – only when talking *about* someone. e.g. “he/she did such&such” When addressing someone, you use their name or title (Doctor, Professor etc), or sir/madam/miss if you don’t know their name. So, their ‘pronouns’ are superfluous.” (Boomerang1)

See also, Colin Wright’s article on this topic at the Wall Street Journal.

[Added Nov 1, 2023]

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Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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