Doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital Explain How to Detect Children of One Sex who are Really of the Other Sex

Dr. Jeremi Carswell of Boston Children’s Hospital explains the warning signs: Your girl might be a boy if that girl tries to stand to urinate or plays with the “opposite gender” toys. In other words, we need to vigorously engaging in the kinds of sexual stereotypes that we, as a country, have spent decades trying to demolish.

Even more jaw dropping, these kids often know they are in the wrong body when they are still babies, from the “minute they were born,” Dr. Carswell says. She doesn’t say whether these parents (or, when they become teenagers, peer groups of these kids or activist counselors) are encouraging their kids to think these thoughts.

Boston Childrens

Dr. Carswell tells us these things as the pleasant music plays in the background. She mentions the “treatment” given to these children/teenagers, but doesn’t describe it.

These patients can be as young as 2 or 3 years old, according to Kerry McGregor Psyd at Boston Children’s Hospital:

psy gender

Gender Management medical services are drenched in euphemisms, such as these:



How young can a child be for these “treatments” can be administered?  This young.  Really.

Here’s how this doctor at Boston Children’s Hospital creates a penis for a girl:

Penis making

There’s even more to this procedure, as this same doctor explains.  And this nurse explains how to create a urethra for these girls who like to play with boys’ toys.

Biologist Colin Wright is not buying any of this

This is literally a sick cult that mutilates children. That’s not hyperbole, it’s absolutely true. The best time for outrage was over a decade ago. The next best time for outrage is RIGHT NOW. This has gotten so out of hand. If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention. . . . Gender nonconforming children are being indoctrinated into a cult that is mutilating and sterilizing their healthy bodies with hormones and surgeries based on the pseudoscientific belief that it’s possible for a person’s body to not “match” their mind . . . . These pediatric gender surgeons are liars and they will get their comeuppance. Any surgeon who has performed a vaginoplasty on a child belongs in prison:

Colin sum

How to fight back. One point of attack is that we should refuse to use activists’ nomenclature. Colin Wright explains:

A “transgender” person is someone who has taken hormones and/or had surgeries to *appear* like the opposite sex. “Transgender” is not an “identity,” it is a description of a physical state. You cannot be born transgender, and there is no such thing as a transgender child . . . A boy with gender dysphoria is a boy with gender dysphoria, not “nonbinary” or a “trans girl.” A girl with gender dysphoria is a girl with gender dysphoria, not “nonbinary” or a “trans boy.” If you believe otherwise, you’ve been indoctrinated into a dangerous cult.”

Transgender the terminology

[Added August 16, 2022]

When the gender activists cannot debate you on the facts, they start flinging ad hominin attacks. That’s a strong indication that you are telling truths.




Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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