The Newest Neocon Joyride

I posted a Tweet of Glenn Greenwald on Facebook today (and see here):

Screen Shot 2022 05 08 at 3.35.22 PM

I added some additional commentary by Glenn Greenwald:

The amazing thing is it’s the same people, it’s David Frum and Nicolle Wallace and Matthew Dowd and Bill Kristol and Max Boot,” Greenwald said. “All these neocons back then who were doing this and made themselves the enemy of the country. They ended up in complete disrepute by the end of the second Bush-Cheney term, are now back in the saddle doing it on behalf of Democrats on their cable networks, on their newspapers’ op-ed pages. And it’s like people have no historical memory, they cheer for these people because they rehabilitated themselves by opposing Trump and that’s all they know.

Right on cue, I received this comment:

The invasion of Ukraine is NOT like Vietnam,Korea, etc. and equating it with that is aPutin-friendly talking point. Do you work for FOX now?

To which I responded:

Are you suggesting that because I’m against a war with no stated end-game and no stated benefit to ordinary Americans, a war that is enriching America’s vast military-industrial complex, a war that pushes us ever closer to the trigger point of an already extremely dangerous risk of nuclear holocaust, and a war that is sucking up massive financial resources that should be helping desperate Americans,, that I’m pro-Putin and that I work for FOX?

It’s amazing how people think these days. Consider the following photo:

Pepsi Coke WASON TEST 1

Imagine that I made this statement: “I don’t like Coke.” I suspect it would be a rare person who would shout at me that because I don’t like Coke, I must like Pepsi. Must people don’t jump to this (false) conclusion because there are other possibilities. I might not like either of these soft drinks. Or I might prefer to drink only tap water (which is true for me). People don’t engage in either/or thinking in real world situations involving tangible objects, but they enthusiastically jump to these erroneous conclusions when discussing contentious issues because most of today’s contentious issue evoke tribal frames and there there are typically only two tribes (I know the Ukraine war is an outlier–it’s not about Dems versus Repubs–because because the Democrats and Republicans are aligned with each other and with the neocons and American war industry).

So, No. Sorry. I don’t belong to either of the two main political tribes. Nor am I aligned with Dem-Repub-Neocon-War-Makers versus Putin/FOX. I am politically homeless. I process the world issue by issue. Because I’m against this war might be because I am against this war for reasons neither American political party seems interested in discussing.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of broonov

    I’d like to comment, but since you have a tendency to censor views opposing your talking points, I will rather leave these two links.

    ‘I feel so lost’: The elderly in Ukraine, left behind, mourn
    (there is a slideshow)

    Siegfried Hecker: Putin has destroyed the world nuclear order. How should the democracies respond?

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