Joe Rogan is Definitely not “Right Wing”

As Glenn Greenwald tweets,

Only the US corporate media could take the person in this video, Joe Rogan, and claim he’s a far-right figure. It happens in part because most of Rogan’s critics never watch his show, but also because the media purposely lies and uses “far-right” to malign everyone they dislike.

It is mind-blowing how so many corporate media outlets characterize Joe Rogan “Right wing.” They have either never listened to his show or they are out-and-out lying. I lean to the second possibilty. Journalistic malpractice. They do hate the growth of independent media, such as Rogan and Krystal and Saagar of Breaking Points.  Follow the link below to the Mashup video by Matt Orfalea:

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Follow Greenwald’s thread for the accusations that Rogan is “right wing.” MSM would rather try to cancel voices challenging their corrupted narratives instead of working harder to earn the respect as providers of meaningful news.

When I posted this on FB, some people pivoted to calling Rogan a “racist,” as though has has ever used the N-word as a slur (he hasn’t on his podcast). Rogan used the N-word many times (for which he has now apologized), but never as a racial slur.

I responded to those who took this pivot:

Do you see any difference between discussing the “N” word and using as a hateful slur? Do you think that professors should be fired for using the N-word to teach the evils of slavery? I personally know of such cases. Do you get upset when you see Joe Biden using the N-word? He has used it (not as a slur). What about when Obama uttered the N-word? Mark Twain? Do you consider the N-word to have magic significance (like the word “Voldemort”) that it hurts people even when it is used as a teaching tool for combatting racism. Do you believe in magic? Rogan is not racist in the least. If you doubt this, just try to find one clip where he has ever shown any bigotry toward people of color. You won’t find it.

Show me one example of where Rogan “implies” that he is a “racist.” You won’t find it. How about comparing your false characterization to the “progressive” view that we need to wholesale lower and eliminate standards because black people can’t cut it? That’s REAL racism. See this video by Glenn Loury and John McWhorter.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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