Questioning the NYT COVID Narrative

Glenn Greenwald offers Jeremy Beckham’s look at the official NYT COVID narrative. That NYT narrative tries to make the case that COVID vaccine resistance is largely a politically partisan problem and that Trump voters are the villains. An excerpt:

The corporate media has worked very hard to propagate the liberal-pleasing narrative that COVID has become a partisan disease due to vaccine hesitancy on the right, often ignoring the inconvenient truth that large percentages of politically diverse groups, principally African-Americans and Latinos, remain resistant to vaccination. Recent reporting from The New York Times serves to further this distorted narrative, dubbing the positive correlation between support for Donald Trump and COVID death rates “Red COVID,” and brandishing it as evidence of a partisan pandemic. But the Times’ report misleads readers through statistical manipulation and data games, as illustrated by this meticulous analysis, presented in an Outside Voices contribution by Jeremy Beckham . . .


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of Bill Heath
    Bill Heath

    NYT is a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, the centerpiece of the authoritarian takeover of America. It has been for at least thirty years. I wouldn’t mind a liberal NYT; it’s partisan, not the same thing. NYT has lost all credibility with a huge part of America. They cover up the destruction of jobs, the obvious racism, the refusal of the authoritarians to answer questions.

    During Obama’s presidency I read two accounts of the same incident, one in the NYT, the other in WSJ. NYT said that the FBI was piercing the client-attorney privilege by listening in on attorney-client meetings. Although I despised AG Holder for politicizing the
    Department of Justice, he had a reputation as a judge for never permitting such an abuse. I didn’t hear of a nuclear explosion in DC, so I read the WSJ article. It seems that the listening was pursuant to a judicial warrant, based on evidence the attorneys in question were helping their clients carry out new crimes.

    I can’t imagine why NYT wrote the story it did.

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