Greenwald: Trump’s Confrontational Russia Foreign Policy Was the Opposite of Obama’s Accommodationist Foreign Policy

From most legacy media reports, you would think that Donald Trump was a pawn of the Russian government. You’d never know that this narrative was wildly spun fiction concocted to get Trump out of the White House (Note: I am glad he’s out of the White House).

The fable that Trump’s foreign policy accommodated Russia lingers, however. As Matt Taibbi showed with numerous exhibits, we were showered with (literally) fake news suggesting that Trump was over-friendly to Russia. Now, Glenn Greenwald has written an article comparing Trump’s often confrontational foreign policy toward Russia to the Obama’s (and now Biden’s) accommodationist policy toward Russia. By writing this, I’m not pretending to know how to approach foreign policy toward Russia. I suspect that I don’t know many of the relevant facts (because I’m ignorant of them or because they are secret). Rather, I’m linking to Greenwald’s article because the information he presents is shockingly counter to the prevailing narrative of the majority of legacy news outlets: “Biden, Reversing Trump, Permits a Key Putin Goal: a New Russian Natural Gas Pipeline to Germany: That Trump was controlled by Putin and served his agenda was the opposite of reality. First Obama, and now Biden, have accommodated Moscow far more.” Here are a few excerpts:

When it came to actual vital Russian interests — as opposed to the symbolic gestures hyped by the liberal cable and op-ed page circus — Trump and his administration were confronting and undermining the Kremlin in ways Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, had, to his credit, steadfastly refused to do.

Indeed, the foreign policy trait relentlessly attributed to Trump in support of the media’s Cold War conspiracy theory — namely, an aversion to confronting Putin — was, in reality, an overarching and explicit belief of President Obama’s foreign policy, not President Trump. During the 2012 presidential election, Obama and the Democratic Party famously and repeatedly mocked GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s warnings about the threat posed by Russia as a “relic of the Cold War.”

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Consistent with that view, Obama rejected bipartisan demands to send lethal weapons to Ukraine throughout 2015 and into 2016. Even when Russia reasserted control over Crimea in 2014 after citizens overwhelmingly approved it in a referendum, Obama did little more than impose some toothless sanctions (though he did preside over, if not engineer, regime change efforts in Ukraine that swept out the pro-Moscow leader and replaced him with a pro-U.S. lackey). Obama worked directly with Putin to forge an agreement with Russia’s allies in Tehran to lift sanctions against Iran and bring them back into the international community, and then publicly praised the Russian leader for the constructive role he played in orchestrating that agreement.

And, enraging the bipartisan U.S. foreign policy community, Obama even refused to follow through on his own declared “red line” to attack Russia’s key ally in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad. Indeed, even after Russia asserted governance over Crimea, and even after Russia is said by intelligence agencies to have hacked the DNC and John Podesta’s computers, Obama, in 2016, sought to form a partnership with Russia in Syria to jointly bomb targets regarded by the two governments as “terrorists.”

Meanwhile, Trump — even as media figures gorged themselves on the conspiracy theory that he was a Kremlin agent — reversed virtually all of those Obama-era accommodations to Putin. Again and again, Trump acted contrary to the Kremlin’s core interests. After publicly threatening Russia over Syria, Trump twice bombed Putin’s key Middle Eastern ally — something Obama refused to do . . . Trump also reversed Obama’s Ukraine policy, sending the exact lethal arms to anti-Russian elements that Obama warned would be directly threatening to the Kremlin and thus excessively provocative. Trump filled his administration with long-time anti-Russia hawks who would never have been welcomed in the Obama administration (including CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, NATO Ambassador Richard Grenell, and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley).

These excerpts are part of Greenwald’s much longer, factually supported article.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of Bill Heath
    Bill Heath

    This is part of what had me strung out during Trump’s presidency. The lack of journalism’s integrity, standards, ethics, or even sanity, fed into #The Resistance’s denial of due process to citizen Trump. I likely had at least as many reservations as you about his fitness to be president, but a combination of Big Tech, Mainstream Media and the authoritarian left created a bizarre universe in which Trump won’t be the only victim. We still have US citizens in jail on charges of trespassing from the capitol incident on January 6, an incident that the same trio has exploited to defend its power. Meanwhile, people actually convicted of felonies are routinely released to protect them from a common cold virus that’s highly contagious and for the most part only kills the elderly.

    An attribute of the authoritarian left that I identified almost ten years ago is accusing its detractors of the wrongdoings it commits itself. This is hardly surprising, it’s simply par for the course.

    I too am glad Trump is out of office. What cost him the election was a combination of COVID19 and the conspiracy to which TIME attested proudly. What cost him any chance of redemption is his non-stop claims that the election was stolen. I’m convinced that the claims are caused equally by his incapability of accepting defeat and the gaslighting campaign conducted by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in pursuit of maintaining and expanding power.

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