The Intended Audience for John McWhorter’s Online Book: The Elect

John McWhorter is self-publishing his new book, The Elect, chapter by chapter, on his website at Substack, It Bears Mentioning. His intended audience is instructive. His book is not necessary medicine for people who are actively self-critical, skeptical and enthusiastically open to facts that challenge their world views. Rather, McWhorter’s new book is especially intended for those who have fallen into world views where these things have become forbidden and scary and where independent thought on certain matters is prohibited by one’s tribe. McWhorter explains:

I am not writing this book thinking of right-wing America as my audience. I will make no appearances on any Fox News program to promote it. People of that world are welcome to listen in. But I write this book to two segments of the American populace. Both are what I consider to be my people, which is what worries me so much about what is going on.

One is New York Times-reading, National Public Radio-listening people who have innocently fallen under the impression that pious, unempirical virtue-signalling about race is a form of moral enlightenment and political activism, and ever teeter upon becoming card-carrying Third Wave Antiracists themselves. I will often refer to these people in this book as “white,” but they can be of any color, including mine. I am of this world. I read the New Yorker, I have two children, I saw Sideways. I loved both The Wire and Parks and Recreation.

The other is black people who have innocently fallen under the misimpression that for us only, cries of weakness constitute a kind of strength, and that for us only, what makes us interesting, what makes us matter, is a curated persona as eternally victimized souls, ever defined by the memories and injuries of our people across four centuries behind us, ever “unrecognized,” ever “misunderstood,” ever in assorted senses unpaid.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of Bill Heath
    Bill Heath

    McWhorter is a national treasure, and Erich is a blessing for exposing his thinking. I almost wrote god-send instead of blessing, but I didn’t want to insult you unintentionally. I’m astounded that you’re able to publish without being inundated without non-stop wokesplaining. Feel free to use the term, unless someone else invented it.

    He is spot on. What he calls “white” probably has no more accurate descriptor. “Useful idiots” comes to mind, but that may be too harsh. I have acquaintances who meet this definition of “white” who are able to discuss any number of issues rationally until it comes to race. One such acquaintance, a native of Taiwan, is actually rational in his defense of the Chinese Communist Party and his support of Anthropogenic Global Warming enthusiasts. I’ve learned from him, something I have yet to do from the Wokesplainers. The “white” group are victims but, just like the “black” group, don’t realize it.

    The “black” group has accepted an external locus of control, that it has no agency, and only whites can possibly save them. Imposing that belief on this group is probably the most racist action of which I am aware.

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