What I Want for Christmas: Skeptical Coverage of Joe Biden by Legacy News Media


It’s not a good sign that NBC’s Kasie Hunt is fawning over Joe Biden, despite Biden’s long and well-established history of being dishonest, which can be easily confirmed through Google by anyone with an open mind. What does it take to remind the legacy news media that it is their job to cover the news by refusing to ever trust politicians and by always following facts wherever they might lead. It is not their job to be cheerleaders for either political party, but here we are in an all-too-familiar place, though the script is now flipped. Do I need to say that I am writing this article as a person who voted for Biden primarily because I saw Trump as a much bigger threat?

For Christmas, Santa, make sure that news reporters take their jobs seriously. They need to blow the whistle on Biden whenever they see anything that doesn’t add up and there will be plenty of it, just as there are in all administrations.  I am also asking Santa to  make sure that Biden keeps his promise to look out for the interests of ordinary Americans. Bernie Sanders he is not. Santa, don’t be fooled by Biden’s diverse-looking cabinet choices–he is loading up his cabinet with a neoliberal Who’s Who of war hawks and players from big financial firms.  Based on Biden’s top ten contributors, Biden’s favorite “clients” will likely be these big financial services corporations and you can bet they will be calling in their chips starting in January.  Again, I am asking Santa to keep President Biden on a short leash for the next four years.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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  1. Avatar of Bill Heath
    Bill Heath

    The dangers of our press “taking sides” by tripping over themselves to keep Biden safe from all possible threats, including himself, don’t stop at our borders. I correspond several times a week with well-educated, sound-thinking foreigners, who believe the claptrap not barricaded by the social media, almost all broadcast media and the bulk of print media. They all believe that Trump has committed thousands of crimes in office, killed off people of color, and banned Islam in the U.S. They also believe that Joe Biden is saintly and wants to unite all Americans. There are those who still believe Trump is a Russian agent and plotted to release COVID19 so he could remain in power. None of them knows anything about Biden’s history of lying, enriching himself at the public’s expense, and representing the moneyed interests against which he rails.

    This distorted view of America has affected our position in the world more than all the trade agreement renegotiations and demands of fairness from Trump. It distorts views not only of Trump’s America, but expectations of Biden’s America. We’re left with a weak man who acts in self-interest before the interests of his country, who not only will not be held accountable by U.S. journalists, but whose every action to throw U.S. intellectual property under a Chinese bus, reimpose regulations without thought, and take advantage of the pandemic to edge us closer to authoritarianism, will likely be adored by foreign friends and enemies alike.

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