The Eight Stages of Critical Race Theory Courtesy of Woke Temple

At Twitter, the Woke Temple is is known for ridiculing Wokeness through the use of cartoonish graphics, but don’t be fooled. Despite the cartoonishness, the lessons of the Woke Temple are well-researched and accurate. They repeatedly get at the heart of the misguidedness and perniciousness of the Woke movement. As I’ve researched the Woke movement over the past few months, I’ve come to appreciate all the serious work that goes into analyzing the Woke movement, then cleverly boiling down this unwieldy-looking movement into the brash-looking cartoons.

I agree with this approach. The Woke movement needs to be ridiculed because it is wrong-headed in numerous ways that are not obvious.  The Movement consists of many well-intended followers, who are being intentionally deceived by many of its leaders.

But it can’t be easily ridiculed because the movement has it’s own language that has been developed for decades in critical studies departments at major universities. The movement often defines terms in ways that conflict with (or sometimes are the opposite of) the common meanings of words. The Woke movement abhors critical analysis and evidence, especially of its own concepts and tactics. It is a movement that thrives on ad hominem attacks, revised history, anecdotes in place of statistical analysis and the refusal to engage in good faith dialogue. It is a movement that celebrates the use of feelings in lieu of careful fact-gathering. It is a seductive movement that has taken root in many colleges, government offices and corporate HR departments. How does one clearly and quickly communicate the problems and dangers of the Woke movement with those who unfamiliar with what it is really about?

With that introduction, I’m pasting below The Woke Temple’s recent graphic setting forth the Eight Stages of Critical Race Theory (one of several manifestations of the Woke Movement). These stages accurately capture my personal journey in trying to understand and engage with the Woke Movement.  There is a lot of important information embedded here, so take your time in order to appreciate this:

8 stages of Critical Race Theory


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    Here’s another Graphic by Woke Temple, along with a Tweet that is spot on. Evidence, including carefully gathered statistical evidence, is anathema to the Woke. And any opportunity to throw more eggs at Robin DiAngelo is time well spent. It depresses me to think of the damage her book, White Fragility, has done to countless people.

  2. Avatar of

    This is made up bullshit!

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