Hmmm. How would I grade these two actors?
I’d give Mr. Christian Cooper, dedicated birder, an A+. I’d give Ms. Amy Cooper (no relation), an entitled, leash-ordinance-violating, racist, hostile, COVID-endangering financial analyst, an F. It’s not fun to see anyone fall so far and so hard, but I was relieved that Mr. Cooper kept his cool and kept the recording rolling to protect himself. The world now knows exactly what happened that day in Central Park. There are many good safety reasons people should keep their dogs on leashes. It’s too bad that Mr. Cooper had to ask Ms. Cooper to obey the law.
Reading this article is making me think of what makes for an adequate apology. When are mere words enough? It seems like we need some expensive signaling here, something much more than words.
Karma is a BITCH!!!
This is the man who was threatened by the woman who refused to leash her dog. You’ll need to look hard to find someone more likeable.