First Batch of Tumbled Rocks Keeps Me Grounded

When I was a boy, I saw rock tumblers for sale in the Sears Catalogue, but I never had one and never knew anyone who had one. Well . . . decades later I do have a rock tumbler and I have recently learned that there are lots of beautiful rocks to be found only about an hour from St. Louis.

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After a month of tumbling in my basement, this is what rocks from a Missouri creek look like (a creek near Farmington, Missouri). They shine even though they are perfectly dry. They are fun to hold and fun to look at. They were all so shy, modest about their beauty, while sitting in the creek. But now they are spreading their little peacock tails. Up close, some of them look like abstract works of art. To see many more images, click on the title to this post and then check out the gallery of photos.

Since I obtained my rock tumbler (a Thumler Model B), I’ve reached out and found dozens of other people who are passionate about finding and polishing rocks, as well as making jewelry and other objects of art out of them. These rock hounds are all over the place, and all you need to do to make them show up is to mention rocks.

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For me, this has been a wonderful hobby, above and beyond the thrill of locating a beautiful rock in a creek or in seeing these polished specimens. I tend to think in the abstract throughout the day. I do it at the drop of a hat. These rocks, on the other hand, are real. I want to hold them and feel them and admire their beauty. This hobby has been an excellent counter-weight to my tendency to philosophize. It has, indeed, kept me “grounded.”


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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