Today I had the privilege of attending an informational meeting regarding the CLEAN MISSOURI ballot initiative. The organization will be finished collecting signatures in a few weeks, and is on target to having the initiative on the Missouri statewide ballot this coming November. Who could possibly be against a Ballot Proposition that will read exactly like this:
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:
● change process and criteria for redrawing state legislative districts during
● change limits on campaign contributions that candidates for state legislature can
accept from individuals or entities;
● establish a limit on gifts that state legislators, and their employees, can accept from
paid lobbyists;
● prohibit state legislators, and their employees, from serving as paid lobbyists for a
period of time;
● prohibit political fundraising by candidates for or members of the state legislature on
State property; and
● require legislative records and proceedings to be open to the public?
State governmental entities estimate annual operating costs may increase by
$189,000. Local governmental entities report no fiscal impact.
Here is the Policy Summary.
Here is the actual text being proposed for the Missouri Constitution.
Here is the website for Clean Missouri.
If you would like to get involved in this effort, contact Campaign Director Sean Soendker Nicholson at