Last week I went to the St. Louis Science Center to view the IMAX movie “Flight of the Butterflies.” I learned many of the details of the 2,000 mile migration of monarch butterflies. It was a superb story, beautifully filmed. Today, I went to the “Insectarium” at the St. Louis Zoo seeking to mingle with butterflies and take some macro photos. The butterflies were quite trusting, allowing me to often get within a few inches of them. These are amazing animals, stunningly beautiful.

About Butterflies
- Post author:Erich Vieth
- Post published:February 24, 2013
- Post category:nature
- Post comments:9 Comments
Tags: butterflies
Erich Vieth
Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.
Thank you for that post because those photos pretty much convince me of the existence of God.
Good grief. These photos should convince you of the existence of butterflies.
Who are you to tell me, or for that matter anyone, what I should believe?
I don’t see any photos of God in that post. Only photos of butterflies.
It is just fine with me that you do or do not not see God – or any other damn thing for that matter – in your butterfly photos. I am happy to leave what you see or don’t see entirely up to you. No argument there.
1. Why is it not ok with you that I do see God in the photos?
2. What in the world makes it so important to you that I (a completely random and anonymous replier) see the world the same way you do?
3. Is my belief a threat to you?
(Would be nice to hear your direct answers to 1, 2, 3.)
I just don’t understand why you spend so much time trying to convince anyone who disagrees with you that they are wrong, stupid, misguided, and an idiot.
And, incidentally, your condescending attitude that leaves no room for disagreement is probably a big reason why your readership (as indicated by the rare reply) has fallen off precipitously.
It seems like your God must be the one out of the Old Testament, based on the tone of your comment.
Get a life, dude. I was just having a bit of fun with your comment. It really doesn’t matter to me whether you see butterflies or God or John Lennon in those photos.
Great photos. We like the Butterfly house and the ZOO and visit both often. Always like to see when St Louis is seen in a better light. Now off to City Museum with the kids!
Vince. Glad you enjoyed the photos. In case you or anyone else is interested, I used our family’s new camera, our first DSLR, the Canon Rebel t4i. I used the a macro lens by Canon – the EF-S 60 mm f/2.8. I still learning how to use that lens, and I was stunned to see how crisp the photos turned out (well, at least the photos that DID turn out–I deleted most of them). I plan to go back to the same place this weekend to take some more photos. It’s good calming therapy photographing butterflies . . .
“Thank you for that post because those photos pretty much convince me of the existence of God.”
Wow, what a gullible person!
“I just don’t understand why you spend so much time trying to convince anyone who disagrees with you that they are wrong, stupid, misguided, and an idiot.”
Perhaps because you are?
“And, incidentally, your condescending attitude that leaves no room for disagreement is probably a big reason why your readership (as indicated by the rare reply) has fallen off precipitously.”
Your lack of participation will not be missed.