Sure, the Birthers and Truthers are ramping up their positions this election year. But how about this?
Step one: Note an uptick in gun violence as the weather warms up (as recently has been reported in places like Seattle).
Step Two: Encourage the “Liberal Media” like Fox News and CNN to run with the statistical spike, rolling out regular stories about gun violence.
Step Three: Sit back as the predictable political posturing by liberal politicians results in writing moderate gun control legislation.
Step Four: Respond in the early fall with a fervent campaign push saying, “See? We Told you Obama is after your guns!”
Result: Getting out the conservative voters who otherwise wouldn’t bother voting for that Mormon not-conservative-enough Romney.
A couple of months ago I predicted that gun control may be a major part of this year’s Fear Uncertainty and Doubt strategy.
In the wake of the church-going Presbyterian Batman terrorist, I have to ask, “Any questions?”
Dan: I would think that possessing a gun must give people a compelling sense of control. It must feel like the problem with fear, uncertainty and doubt is 85% solved, just to carry that loaded gun.