I’ve heard the expression that hail was “as big as a golfball” but I had never before seen hail that big. Until yesterday. Here are a few photos and a short video from my front porch. That’s my hand holding 3 large hail balls (is that what you call them?) and the yard was littered with hail.
The car parked under the tree sustained a dozen large dents during the 10 minute barrage of hail.
Those are some BIG hailstones.
Your hailstones beat mine. I'm on the leeward side of the same large hill as Erich. All my friends on his side got bigger hail than did I.
<img src="http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/248801_1601938383441_1685526085_1035066_4998125_n.jpg" width="100%" />