At least when you have oil spilling, you know what you need to do: stop the oil from spilling. When the topic is dying honey bees, there’s no known solution, and the problem is getting terribly serious, according to Alternet:
The number of managed honeybee colonies in the US fell by 33.8% last winter, according to the annual survey by the Apiary Inspectors of America and the US government’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The collapse in the global honeybee population is a major threat to crops.
If only the deaths of bees were our only big problem . . .
The mass deaths of our bees is just one example of what Arianna Huffington Perhaps we should start calling this the Age of “Much Worse Than We Thought It Would Be.” Her emphasis was on economic and political disasters. She attributes many of these non-stop surprisingly big disasters to shortsighted thinking. Regarding what she considers to be an oncoming economic coronary brought on by national (and worldwide) debt, she suggests that we start thinking in long-term ways. For instance, “So instead of limiting the deficit debate to talk of cutting entitlements, how about also having a discussion about moving to an economy that focuses on investing in small businesses and communities, and puts a premium on education and technology rather than on exotic financial instruments.”