I hadn’t read a list of prominent nontheists (atheists, agnostics and other religious skeptics) for awhile. Here’s a recently updated list with lots of prominent names. Here’s another. Both of these lists include background information regarding each name on the list. Some famous contemporary atheists, agnostics and skeptics are:
Daniel Radcliffe
Bill Maher
Pat Tillman
Oliver Sacks
Bill Gates
Omar Sharif
Dave Barry
Warren Buffet
Phil Donahue
Katharine Hepburn
Angelina Jolie
Lance Armstrong
This list includes numerous scientists, along with many actors. Noticeably absent are politicians, which brings to mind polls showing that half of Americans would absolutely refuse to vote for any atheist politician.
What follows are the percentages of people indicating in 2006 that they would refuse to vote for “a generally well-qualified person for president” on the basis of some characteristic; in parenthesis are the figures for earlier years:
Catholic: 4% (1937: 30%)
Black: 5% (1958: 63%, 1987: 21%)
Jewish: 6% (1937: 47%)
Baptist: 6%
Woman: 8%
Mormon: 17%
Muslim: 38%
Gay: 37% (1978: 74%)
Atheist: 48%