As John McCain trails with two days to go before the election, the McCain-Palin campaign continues to make false claims about the Obama-Biden ticket and apparently his own support from “Joe the Plumber.”
McCain continues to make a claim that Joe Biden has said that “tax relief should only go to middle class people making under $150,000.00 a year.” Biden has never said any such thing.
The McCain-Palin campaign has recycled an ad from earlier in the campaign about Iran and the threat it poses to US security. McCain makes the claim that Obama says such threat is “tiny” along other false claims about a speech Senator Obama had made earlier this year where he said the threat of Iran was tiny compared to the threat faced by America from the former Soviet Union.
The McCain-Palin campaign keeps repeating a claim that Obama-Biden means “job killing tax increases” and such tax policies are “socialism.” Obama simply supports a progressive tax system which gives relief to middle class taxpayers who make less than $250,000.00 and is what we had before the last eight years of Bush.
On tax policy, McCain wants more of the same despite his claims of “I’m not George Bush!”; tax cuts that McCain had said “mostly benefit the wealthy” when he voted against Bush’s cuts in 2000, 2001 and 2003, which McCain now supports making permanent. In addition, McCain wants to give corporations another $300 billion in tax breaks on top of the Bush tax cuts set to expire in 2010. The deficit for the Fiscal Year ending October 1, 2008 was almost $400 billion, and is expected to go over $500 billion for the Fiscal Year ending October 1, 2009. The government runs on Fiscal Years of October through the end of September.
As John McCain rambles on through to the end of the campaign, he denounces “attacks” on “Joe The Plumber” by the Obama campaign, a claim even “Joe” says is not true.
As we go into these last two days of the ’08 election, including the vote, we need to decide whether speaking the truth is a value we want in a President. John McCain does not tell the truth.
I just saw that Joe the Plumber’s at least having a good time. He was seen at the MCain SNL afterparty getting some action and being talked about as the next star of the Bachelor. Funny, but true, from Riehl’s world: