Why isn’t Barack Obama way ahead in the polls?

Why isn’t Senator Barack Obama way ahead of John McCain in the polls?  Why is this race so tight?  Bob Cesca has an idea:

Hmm. I can’t imagine why that is. It’s not like Senator Obama’s patriotism and character is being assassinated for three hours every morning on cable news — six hours if we include the spasmodic howler monkeys on FOX & Friends. I can’t imagine why the polls are so close when Joe Scarborough is helping his Republican allies to once again turn this critical national debate into another blind recitation of Lee Greenwood lyrics.

Why are the polls so close? Not only do around 25 percent of Americans watch FOX News Channel on a regular basis, but, from coast to coast, there are more than a thousand far-right talk radio stations occupied by shows that make Morning Joe sound like an Olbermann Special Comment. And 17 percent of Americans are glued to it at work and in their cars. Talkers like Hugh Hewitt, Sean Hannity, John Gibson, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Bill Bennett and Glenn Beck broadcast on your public air around the clock. Non-stop. Unrelenting. Only interrupted by Accu-weather and traffic. Free to anyone with an AM radio.

I don’t know if you’ve dared to listen to far-right talk radio lately, but I can assure you that they’re not ignoring Senator Obama — or his family. Put it this way: if you only got your news and opinions from talk radio, you’d probably believe that Senator Obama is some kind of foreign-born baby-killing Manchurian Candidate terrorist — if not a sexist uppity black man who, if he loses in November, will incite race riots in every city.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of Niklaus Pfirsig
    Niklaus Pfirsig

    A basic working concept in propaganda broadcasting is that you can persuade the masses easily by repeating your message more often and louder than your opposition. Often, even with first person knowledge to the contrary, people will believe the most ridiculous lies after hearing those lies repeater over and over and over.

    And it works for some. The fact that it has worked better , is probably due to a big dose healthy skepticism born out of the current sorry state of world rconomics and politics.

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