World Renowned Creationist Arrested, Convicted

According to this article, essentially copied from the AP, Adnan Oktar, who writes as Harun Yahya, has been convicted of fraud. His extensive organization has the goal to persuade the world (or at least the schools therein) of the Truth of Young Earth Creationism, as revealed in the Bible. In his case, he began by defending Islam against that Christian Evolution Conspiracy. But he also publishes books for the YEC Christian market in which he substitutes the return of Jesus for the coming of Mahdi.

Front Cover PreviewI’ve read that he does produce beautiful books in support of his ideas. I expect him to get out on appeal of his apparently politically motivated incarceration. Then he and his followers around the world will continue to produce high class anti-science textbooks the like of which the Discovery Institute only wishes they could produce.


Dan Klarmann

A convoluted mind behind a curly face. A regular traveler, a science buff, and first generation American. Graying of hair, yet still verdant of mind. Lives in South St. Louis City. See his personal website for (too much) more.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Avatar of Skblllzzzz

    Creationism, if played well, is Big Business and Adnan wants his share.

    Why should the (self-)righteous have to pay taxes? Now that would be ridiculous!

  2. Avatar of Ed Darrell
    Ed Darrell

    His extensive organization has the goal to persuade the world (or at least the schools therein) of the Truth of Young Earth Creationism, as revealed in the Bible.

    Which is quite a problem, since he claims to be Moslem.

    But at least you're honest that he's peddling fundamentalist stuff instead of Moslem stuff.

    Are we supposed to blow his cover like that?

  3. Avatar of Dan Klarmann
    Dan Klarmann

    Ed: Islam and Christianity share the identical Old Testament and Genesis stories. I've read (I forget where, or I'd link) that Young Earth Creationism started in Islamic fundamentalism, and then jumped over to Christian fundamentalism.

    Your post about the story and the citations you provide are informative.

  4. Avatar of Ed Darrell
    Ed Darrell

    You may have read that somewhere, but that's not what I've seen. Modern creationism was born in the anti-science movement in the U.S., and is not part of traditional Christianity, nor traditional Judaism, nor part of traditional Islam. Moslem scientists at one point led the world. That many Moslems now have forgotten that God-given tradition is a warning signal for Christians.

    I well remember several years ago when the yahoos at ICR bragged about their missionary work to Turkey, carrying creationism. My recollection is that they said at the time they hoped to establish a toe-hold for Christianity.

    Odd. Instead they fueld Islamic radicalism. By their fruits shall we know them.

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