When you watch this, you might think: “Well, sure. I could put together a highlight video like this by trying to make a bunch of difficult shots and then editing out the ones that didn’t go in.”
Nope. You’re wrong . . .
I think i could give him a run for his money…
Why would I be wrong? That is clearly what he has done. You've still got to give him credit for persistance. Some of those shots had to take 50 or 100 or more tries.
Ben & Marlon: Perhaps I was too hasty at sleighting the basketball skills of this readership. Or is it that I am sleighting the persistence and determination of you guys? Isn't this video just a real-life version of the thought experiment where a roomful of monkeys is randomly hopping on typewriters and where one of them, millions of years from now, just happens to produce an entire Shakespearean play?
I think he is doing a great job and the other B-class basketball players are just envying an A-class player. *runs and hides*