Here’s another fun site. 15 dots walking–a walking animation. It’s amazing how much emotion can be conveyed by 15 dots.
Walking dots
- Post author:Erich Vieth
- Post published:September 7, 2007
- Post category:Psychology Cognition / Web Site / Whimsy
- Post comments:4 Comments
Erich Vieth
Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.
Look at it upside-down and the dots stop "walking".
Try a happy, but nervous, light female
I'm getting a good chuckle from imagining Edgar standing on his head while watching his PC.
I wonder if this gait study is related to the research that is using automated gait analysis to try to identify potential terrorist suspects. If anxiety level can partially determine gait (as the above-referenced website indicates), then perhaps the reverse is also true: if gait can partially determine anxiety level, then perhaps this could be an indicator of future criminality.
"I’m getting a good chuckle from imagining Edgar standing on his head while watching his PC."
Wow … I wish I'd thought of that! It would have been a lot easier than the way I actually did it.
The comedian Gallagher used to do a bit about different gaits; "Cowboys and Cowgirls and How to Tell Them Apart". All he did was move is elbows in or out. I wonder if Gallagher inspired the animation at this Bio Motion Lab site.