My Holiday Lights

One of my degrees focused on energy management, but that came after I started big light displays, which I won’t give up. So sue me.

We conserve all the rest of the year, but there’s something that lights up inside when I see lights outside.

I posted some pictures on my personal blog that I’d like to share with folks here.  Enjoy!



Jim Razinha

Jim is a husband of more than 27 years, father of four home-schooled sons (26, 23, 16 and 14), engineer delighting in virtually all things technical, with more than a passing interest in history, religions, arts, most sciences (particularly physics) and skepticism.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    I won't sue you. It occurs to me that you don't need to hand out your street address to people coming to your house at night. You just tell them that they'll know it when they see it.

    There are a few neighborhoods in St. Louis where entire neighborhoods electrify their homes to the extreme, causing traffic jams as people come from miles away.

  2. Avatar of Tim Hogan
    Tim Hogan

    There's one in St. Louis Hills, just a left off of Jamieson about four or five blocks South of Watson!

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