New regressive laws in Afghanistan

As reported by Marie Cocco at Alternet:

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has just signed a law that forces women to obey their husbands’ sexual demands, keeps women from leaving the house — even for work or school — without a husband’s permission, automatically grants child custody rights to fathers and grandfathers before mothers, and favors men in inheritance disputes and other legal matters. In short, the law again consigns Afghan women to lives of brutal repression. . .

The ugly truth is that Afghanistan has long been sliding back into the violent chaos that is friendly political ground for the Taliban and other extremist groups. Women have, as usual, been among the chief victims.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Avatar of Karl

    These fundamental theist's just can't be trusted nor reasoned with.

    Their dogma needs to be taken out of their government and culture, so that the women, atheists, gays, lesbians and other second rate citzens aren't taken out back and shot for not following the commands of Allah.

    And you think its bad in America. Its really tough to be a member of the minority class when the Holy Clerics control the aspects of both goverment and church.

    How would an atheist or an agnostic deal with this?

    Pray tell if you have some kind of a solution that reveals your compassion for scoundrels while showing them their holy dogma is certainly out dated and old school.

  2. Avatar of TonyC


    Thanks for trying to make 'us' the bad guys again. Why does everything have to be through the lens of your religion?

    But to answer your question – this is NOT an athiest question. Secular government has been a central contributory factor behind the growth and success of western nations. This has been the case, in greater of lesser degree, since the enlightenment.

    I would hope that every democratic government that wished to be worthy of the name was secular. Religion should be personal. Whenever a governmenet becomes religiously based, that government is no longer representative of anything other than dogma. (Religious Right & US Christian PACs – take note)

    Note – this should be the desire of EVERY thinking person, irrespective of their personal perspective on religion. If you believe in democracy, no other course is valid.

    So – by asking your question, you are exposing your biased belief that – somehow – atheists would have a different perspective on this issue of government than a christian.

    How shallow, and how uninformed. Unless of course you desire a religiously motivated government? In which case I believe you to be an enemy of democracy.

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