Dennis Kucinich warns America to wake up

Dennis Kucinich gives a six-minute summary of the disaster that has been occurring over the past eight years. According to Kucinich, what the neocons want to do is to drill into our wallets some more. I concur entirely. We truly need to wake up.  We excel at being complacent (and…

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Almost 70 harsh questions for John McCain. An easy-to-use press kit for spineless news media reporters and their editors

Why should we ask John McCain harsh questions? Because we need to even the playing field. You see, if Barack Obama had McCain’s background, ignorance and bad character, the election would have been over months ago. The news media is holding back, though. Those media barbecues appear to be paying off.

So it’s time to even the playing field. Since the media keeps asking these sorts of disparaging and insulting questions to Barack Obama, it’s time to ask these same sorts of questions to John McCain. I admit that a few of these are outrageously unfair, just like many of the questions repeatedly posed to Obama.

Most of these questions are fair, though, and the news media has refused to dig deep and really get the answers Americans need. If you have additional questions that the media needs to ask John McCain, please submit them in the comments. I’d like to make this post a place where reporters are free to visit for ideas. As you can see, I’ve attached explanatory links to most of the proposed questions.

Unlike Barack Obama, McCain has a lot of explaining to do about what kind of person he has shown himself to be and portrayed himself to be. Let’s get started:

Generally Puzzling
Isn’t it true that you personally now oppose several bills that you yourself co-sponsored?

Why is your smile so creepy and fake?

Do you really believe that the President of the U.S. virtually functions as a dictator?

General Character Deficits


Continue ReadingAlmost 70 harsh questions for John McCain. An easy-to-use press kit for spineless news media reporters and their editors

15 Reasons John McCain is Too Ignorant To Be President

John McCain is… 1.) Ignorant on the economy. And see here. 2.) Ignorant on foreign policy. And see here. 3.) Ignorant on birth control. 4.) Ignorant of the truth. And see here and here. 5.) Ignorant of what’s important to veterans and votes against veterans. 6.) Ignorant of the laws…

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The American media is horribly dysfunctional but you have the power to change it.

This was the third year I attended the National Conference for Media Reform sponsored by Free Press. This year's conference was held in Minneapolis. As in previous media reform conferences, I was reminded about many of the hurdles faced by those American citizens who are attempting to get serious and coherent coverage of the news. By "news," I mean the type of information that is critically important in order to prepare us to make good decisions as citizens (i.e., voting). One of the most distressing things one learns from attending the conference is that very little news is available to those watch local TV "news" and read their local "news"papers. One of the fundamental principles of Free Press is that there cannot be a healthy democracy without a vigorous news media. The problem is that our news media is sickly, poisoned by rampant commercialism. The modern corporate media is over-consolidated to such an extent that it reflexively kowtows to political power and repeatedly refuses to challenge abuses of that power.

McChesney/Nichols - Part I

Topics covered in Part I:
  • Is the media reform movement paying too much attention to Bill O'Reilly and FOX?
  • The basic aims of the media reform movement.
  • More on Free Press and the reason for the media reform movement.
  • The problem with over-consolidation of the media.
Free Press stands for the proposition that there is no stark divide between journalists and citizens.

Continue ReadingThe American media is horribly dysfunctional but you have the power to change it.