My relationship with Bush.

Instead of taking this day to reflect on the Inauguration and the eminent change facing us,  how oh-so different everything is going to be, and every other overstated bit of hopeful drivel with which the internet is still a-buzzing, I'd like to muse on my relationship with the outgoing president.…

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Bless us with discomfort . . .

Now here's a memorable and thoughtful prayer (this link includes the written transcript). It was delivered by Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson as part of the pre-inauguration activities.   As you might recall, Robinson is seen by many as a counter-weight to Obama's selection of Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation.  …

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Keep NASA independent of the U.S. Military

One of the “trial balloons” of the incoming Obama administration is a proposed consolidation of NASA with US military programs for space. The ostensible reason is “national security,” but insecurity about our military’s capabilities to keep up with Chinese efforts to explore and exploit space are at the core of…

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Bill Cosby discusses Barack Obama

Upbeat roundtable by Meet the Press, featuring comedian/author Bill Cosby, Congresswoman Maxine Watters, Adrian Fenty (Mayor of Washington D.C.) and Alvin F. Poussaint.  Cosby and Poussaint have co-authored a book entitled Come On, People: on the Path from Victims to Victors (2007).   The main theme of this roundtable is what…

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Obama: Listen to scientists “especially when it’s inconvenient.”

We are about to do a 180 on government attitude toward science.   Barack Obama specifically singles out the "scientific process," and urges that we need to listen to scientists "especially when it's inconvenient." [youtube][/youtube]

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