Sam Harris and Chris Hedges on

This is a lively debate, as you might expect. You'll can view the entire debate at Sam Harris opens the debate by arguing that there are only three types of arguments used by those defending religion: That a particular religion is true; That believing in religion is useful; or…

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Families seek to find out why contractors died. Contractor sues them for $10M

The best justice money can buy.   Pretty amazing.   The story was covered on The following article is by the lawyers representing the families of four American contractors who worked for Blackwater and were killed in Fallujah. After Blackwater refused to share information about why they were killed, the families…

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The new U.S. embassy in Iraq – an embarrassment to all decent Americans

You've got to read this description of the new American embassy under construction in Bagdad (the title: "The Colossus of Bagdad").  This monstrous construction project is unbelievably arrogant and excessive.  It will be the largest embassy on the planet. As an outpost, this vast compound reeks of one thing: imperial impunity.…

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What does it really mean to “support the troops”?

The imperative phrase is proclaimed on millions of bumper stickers: “Support the Troops.”

Tell me what it means to “support the troops” and then I’ll tell you whether I support the troops.  Fair enough?  Until you can tell me what the phrase means, asking me whether I “support the troops” is like asking me to sign a blank check.  I don’t sign blank checks.

Support the troops

The vague phrase “Support the troops” is a challenge that is not only found on bumper stickers these days.  For instance, Bill Arkin of the Washington Post recently wrote about soldiers who are increasingly expressing frustration with the growing opposition to the war back home.  Many of the soldiers took it personally.  Arkin quotes Staff Sergeant Manuel Sahagun:

One thing I don’t like is when people back home say they support all troops, but they don’t support the war.  If they’re going to support us, support us all the way.

Arkin goes so far as to characterize the volunteer troops as “mercenaries,” suggesting that we’d be having an entirely different national discussion if we had a draft.  Arkin’s “mercenary” comment quickly caused a firestorm.  Overnight, his blog drew more than 900 comments. Arkin also drew the ire of conservatives from coast to coast.  Did he fail to “support the troops”?

“Support the troops” is a hopelessly vague phrase; it means different things to different people.  For instance, when I am asked whether I support the troops, it could mean any of the following things:

1. Do


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