Why aren’t conservatives protesting fertility clinics?

If life begins at conception, why aren't conservatives attacking fertility clinics? Good question. Here's one disturbing possibility:

As it stands, IVF patients are primarily wealthy and white, while women who seek abortions are disproportionately poor and women of color, you know, “the least of these” that the Republican anti-choice crowd has always had a penchant for regulating and condemning. These women bear the brunt of abortion restrictions far more than wealthy whites. They are more likely to use Medicaid for health expenses, which federal law prohibits from covering abortion. Travel expenses and lost wages due to time away from low paying jobs are the results of mandatory wait periods. Kaplan says.

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The economics of prostitution

The Economist has gathered statistics that I didn't know exist to determine the value of prostitution in various cities, and also considering other variables. The illegality of the trade in most places would make the gathering of statistics difficult, it would seem. I suspect that many of these attributes correspond to variables that draw attention on dating sites, at least the attributes that can be gleaned from looking at a photo (to determine body type, race, length of hair).

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Sarah Silverman talks to Jesus about abortion

According to Rolling Stone,

Sarah Silverman is not afraid to piss people off. Late last month, the comedian posted a video where she casually chats about abortion rights with Jesus over popcorn. It's part of her ongoing effort to inform people across the country about Republican-led efforts to limit women's access to abortion. She's teamed up with Lady Parts Justice and had been playing fundraisers for the group all over the country.

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