The mind of Steven Wright

From the first time I saw him perform I loved the deadpan comedy of Steven Wright. His view of life is coldly objective and sometimes skewed, but always funny. Here are a few of my favorite one-liners, some of which are relevant to the ongoing conversations here at DI. Last…

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Christian Libeler Threatening to Sue Atheist for Exposure

I am not one to encourage a lawsuit, and am no expert in the law. But if you read the details about this suit, you might want to give to the cause. In brief, a Creationist posted a long monologue rehashing many long-disproved arguments claiming to be original and irrefutable…

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Reputable End of the World Scenarios

A new book is in press, and will be released in a month. The author of the BadAstronomy blog, Phil Plait has written "Death From the Skies: These Are the Ways the World Will End!" That's him, exhibiting typical Ivory Tower Professorial reserve as he eyes his pre-release copy (click…

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