Reputable End of the World Scenarios

A new book is in press, and will be released in a month. The author of the BadAstronomy blog, Phil Plait has written "Death From the Skies: These Are the Ways the World Will End!" That's him, exhibiting typical Ivory Tower Professorial reserve as he eyes his pre-release copy (click…

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Roosevelt, Palin? Specious!

I received an email today implying that Palin was the latest incarnation of Teddy Roosevelt. Sure, they both were tapped for VP when young, had been governor a short time, and both liked to shoot. But TR had been a military commander in a shooting war and later Assistant Secretary…

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The Pulpit Initiative May Explain Palin

The Alliance Defense Fund, a legal action group whose purpose appears to be to promote an American Theocracy, has instituted The Pulpit Initiative. In brief, it calls for ministers, priests and pastors to openly stump for particular candidates on September 28, 2008 ("Pulpit Freedom Sunday") and beyond. No more pussyfooting…

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Large Hadron Collider To End the World

There are plenty of innumerate groups who think that the LHC will destroy the world, as they have with each generation of nuclear test device before. Loud groups with mailing lists and placards. The Large Hadron Collider (in case you were unaware) is the Swiss upgrade to the unfinished Superconducting…

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