Video Games: Empty Digital Calories

Joe Rogan nails it re video games. They are dangerous because they are way too much fun.

They are digital opium. And then you look up from your game console several years later and you realize that you threw a big chunk of your life away. You could have been working on your real life. I know of several relationships that were distressed or destroyed because the guy couldn't or wouldn't walk away from video games.

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Robin DiAngelo’s Cray-Cray Article

Robin DiAngelo's book, White Fragility, is deservedly under fire. As Tweeted by "The Woke Temple," Diangelo's book is merely a continuation of her articles, including Beyond the Face of Race: Em-Cognitive Explorations of White Neurosis and Racial Cray-Cray, by Cheryl E. Matias and Robin DiAngelo, Educational Foundations, v 27 p. 3-20, Sum-Fall 2013. The Woke Temple offers this graphic to feature some key quotes (and proposed responses) from DiAngelo's bizarre paper:

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Rioters Trashing Biden’s Chances?

Andrew Sullivan writes:

What Trump has been doing since the Mount Rushmore speech—stupidly dismissed by woke media—is to try and cast this election as a battle between anarchy and the forces of law and order, between a radical dystopia laced with violence and the America we know. He’s trying to jujitsu the plague-fueled revolt into a winning campaign issue. He can’t exactly run on his record of double digit unemployment and an epidemic raging out of control. So this is his instinct. And politically, it’s not a bad one. In an environment where people are afraid and uncertain, authoritarianism has an edge. The more some cities descend into lawlessness and violence this summer, the edgier, and more popular, that performative authoritarianism could get.

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A Quadruple Whammy That Results in Facebook Barking

Here's the quadruple whammy:

A) Confirmation Bias, B) Availability Heuristic and C) the Focussing Illusion and D) In-group loyalties.

These add up to an extremely dangerous personal hubris that we have no blindspots, that we know everything we need to know, and that our ideas are fully tested whereas we have simply enshrined them in our own brains, surrounding them with mental electrified fences. We need THIS daily vitamin: Our ideas need to be repeatedly tested by numerous uninterested or antagonistic OTHERS. We often commit medical malpractice when we pretend we are world-class doctors who can adequately diagnose our own thought processes.

I am fatiguing from meeting people who never ever doubt their mental hygiene and never worry about the need to run meaningful real-world tests on their own ideas. I'm getting worn out watching people bark at each other on FB instead of showing humility and a willingness to learn from each other. I want to ask so many people on FB: "Why are you here? To learn something new or merely to strut around looking for fully cooked allies?"

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